Waterfront hotel at Pacific Quay
Lead Partner: Whitbread PLC
Other Partners: Lawrence McPherson
Project Team: Lawrence McPherson Associates : Architects Lawrence McPherson Associates : Planning Consultants Project managers : Baqus Fletcher McNeil Structural and Civil Engineers : Ramsay and Chalmers M+E designers : Dynamic Design
Project HistoryClick an image to enlarge
Pacific Quay & SECC, Pacific Quay
This new hotel is located next to the BBC, with easy access to SECC and The Hydro via Bell's Bridge.
The contemporary design of the hotel has been created to maintain the strong building edge to the river and to provide a transition between the two very different heights of the neighbouring buildings. The Thyme restaurant is contained within a contemporary glass box with an external dining area right next to the river.
The design also provides for a new public space which links Bells Bridge to Pacific Quay, formalising a key pedestrian link from the SECC to the site and beyond.
In line with Whitbread PLC's corporate responsibility programme, aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 26% by 2020, the Hotel has been designed to meet these targets, encompassing low carbon design and specification and incorporating many energy saving features.
Current status:
The planning application was submitted after an extended period of public consultation in line with the new planning regulations where comments were sought from the public, local interest groups and the users of the neighbouring buildings via meetings and a public exhibition. The feedback and comments received were incorporated into the design submitted for planning consent.
Planning consent was granted in December 2012.
Construction work is now under way.
Spring 2013 - Spring 2014