Lead Partner: Govan Housing Association Ltd
Other Partners: Roots in the Community; Plantation Productions; Scottish Enterprise; Communities Scotland; Glasgow City Council; Scottish Arts Council.
Project Team: Architect: ASSIST; Site Engineer: The Structural Partnership; Planning Supervisor: ASSIST; Clerk of Works: DA
Project HistoryClick an image to enlarge
Greater Govan & Glasgow Harbour, Govan
Govan Housing Association has upgraded and refurbished 6 derelict shop units on Govan Road to create the 'Govan Portal'. Space is available to rent out as workspace for individuals, groups and small arts organisations.
The creation and running of this facility relies on partnership. All of the partners recognise the importance of creativity for individuals, groups, communities and society. The 'Govan Portal' will ensure their continued engagement with Govan and local people.
Space will be provided to develop ideas, build consensus, and deliver new projects. Workspaces available at the 'Govan Portal' will enable the flow of ideas and creative work of international quality from Govan and Glasgow.
Current status:
The project is completed
Completed October 2007.
The contract value is approximately £0.9 million