Riverside Hall

  • Riverside Hall as existing

Lead Partner: Riverside Hall Management Committee

Other Partners: Central Govan Action Plan

Project History
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Greater Govan & Glasgow Harbour, Govan


Riverside Hall is a well run and vibrant community hall within Govan.  The current hall is inadequate for its existing usage and offers no scope for the expansion of activities.  A replacement hall is therefore required.

The relocation of the community hall has been identified as a regeneration priority within Central Govan.  A project steering group has been set up to ensure that the new facility meets the needs of the community, and a feasibility study, which considers sites available for the hall, will be carried out.

CGAP will take a lead role in the development of the project.

Current status:

Riverside Hall management committee recently received funding from the Big Lottery 'Investing in Ideas' fund to hire a consultant to complete a feasibility study and business plan for the new hall.

The project is expected to go on site in March 2013.


2013 - 2014

