Guided Visit of Glasgow

The project will allow the learners to further develop and reinforce the language and structures they have been using throughout the tourism project. As part of their research the learners will visit hotels to gather the information required to be translated. The learners will then work in groups, with each group working on a particular theme. i.e. signs for the hotels or information about checking in and out, using the phone, fire drill explanations etc.

Broad Outcomes of learning

  • Subject knowledge gained and enhanced
  • Developed ICT skills through research on the internet, sending letters of thanks and confirmation
  • Cross curricular links improve learners' knowledge of Glasgow and other cultures
  • Honed their presentation skills
  • Enterprising skills and attitudes developed (CfE) through working on problems in a team and evaluating individual and team work as they progress (additional self-development)
  • Employability skills enhanced - application of knowledge in a real situation.
  • Learners able to deal with outside agencies and foreign language institutes to organise guided visits - through telephone contact
  • Developed confidence of working independently and in groups
  • Learners assumed responsibility for their learning through making decisions and constantly evaluating and reviewing their project
  • Better skills in collecting, analysing data and evaluating the success of their project using a feedback form created in the foreign language

Relevance to curriculum

  • Develops language skills both in the foreign language and English
  • Cross curricular
  • Relevant to the four key factors of CfE
  • Relevance of seeing a project being used in the real world

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Tourism and Leisure support materials
  • Tourism & leisure support materials
  • Get ADOBE Reader