Packaging Design for New Juice Bar Inspired

This project will develop students' k/u of 2D design processes by using the Clyde waterfront (bridges, architecture, the Clyde itself, boats etc) as a starting point to create an original packaging design for a Clyde waterfront Juice Bar involved with a fund raising event. Learners will participate in a presentation to a group of Clyde businesses and an exhibition at parents' evening.

Broad Outcomes of learning
• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced e.g. the design process, working to the constraints of the design brief (responsibility to meeting needs of others), intended market etc
• Develop enterprise and employability skills: application of knowledge in a real situation by being able to follow a brief, by being in competition with others and by presenting finished product to whole class and external audience (selling your product also relates to selling oneself in an interview situation)
• Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4 capacities of CfE
Relevance to curriculum
• Supports CfE Art, students will work with the visual elements: line, shape, colour and composition
• Relevance of how packaging design is relevant to work and life (everything that you see around has been through the design process)

This project will develop students' k/u of 2D design processes by using the Clyde waterfront (bridges, architecture, the Clyde itself, boats etc) as a starting point to create an original packaging design for a Clyde waterfront Juice Bar involved with a fund raising event. Learners will participate in a presentation to a group of Clyde businesses and an exhibition at parents' evening.

Broad Outcomes of learning

  • Subject knowledge gained and enhanced e.g. the design process, working to the constraints of the design brief (responsibility to meeting needs of others), intended market etc
  • Develop enterprise and employability skills: application of knowledge in a real situation by being able to follow a brief, by being in competition with others and by presenting finished product to whole class and external audience (selling your product also relates to selling oneself in an interview situation)
  • Learners have developed enterprising skills identified as 4 capacities of CfE

Relevance to curriculum

  • Supports CfE Art, students will work with the visual elements: line, shape, colour and composition
  • Relevance of how packaging design is relevant to work and life (everything that you see around has been through the design process)


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