Leisure fact file

This lesson/project idea will develop a knowledge and understanding of leisure facilities available in and around the Clyde.  This knowledge will be applied in a real life context.  Young people will work as 'fact finders' in teams to design and produce a fact file on leisure activities available in and around the Clyde. They will have opportunities to interact with members of the local community and to invite organisations who provide facilities to come into the school.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge gained and enhanced 
• Problem solving skills enhanced through applying learning in a real situation 
• Responsibility for own learning through making decisions about what is to be included and how 
• Capabilities to research and collate information for use 
• Knowledge of business - how to produce a fact file which is put to real use 
• Employability skills enhanced - working as part of a team, application of knowledge in 'real-life' context 
• Enterprising skills and attitudes (CfE) through gaining an awareness of self and others, sense of achievement and purpose for learning, confidence and self evaluation

Relevance to curriculum

• Supports 5-14 English language 
• Functional writing (communicating facts or ideas) and puts this into a real life context within the local area of the Clyde

Download this lesson/project idea
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