Brochure of Clydeside visitor attractions

This project will develop children's knowledge of tourism and leisure facilities around the Clyde. Pupils apply their learning to produce brochure, documenting leisure and tourism facilities on the Clydeside for tourists and city residents alike. Children working in small groups (2-3) named after their chosen Clyde amenity, and will present the information in a large brochure.  All ideas will be bound together in one book to provide a complete overview of available facilities.

Broad Outcomes of learning

• Subject knowledge gained and enhance 
• Enterprise skills developed/Curriculum for Excellence - working on research in small teams/large class team to produce final product, self-evaluating, problem solving 
• Research and communication skills enhanced through practical work - exploration and application of research methods 
• Learners gain ownership of lesson/project through decision making 
• Self-confidence and sense of responsibility are developed through sense of ownership, communication with outside agencies and completing the task to a high standard

Relevance to curriculum

• Supports CfE Languages

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